Being Zany and Crazy through video one VIDEO at a time! :)

Archive for September, 2009

Wordless wednesday (Almost)

Cats definitely have perfected the art of taking naps haven’t they?
Here is my Baby Mask….

Getting Back to Shape….

I recently popped over to Mama Nut’s Blog and she is doing this Fat Butt Friday. Well I decided I would join her in the quest to getting fit. I have walked for 7 days now. I did not walk Sunday, because that was my day of rest. Anyway I recently acquired a treadmill. It has been the best things for me. It clocks how long I go, how many calories burned and pulse. If I only had a decent scale…
But I feel so GOOD. Usually when I wake up in the morning, I am so tired. I hop on my treadmill, watch Law and Order SVU and walk 2 miles, about 35-39 minutes. I love the way I feel so energized and I never feel tired after my walks…
Well I found an elephant butt, When you see it, I will be talking about my weight loss and exercise goals. I am wanting to get in fit, I don’t have a specific number to lose just getting back into shape. I want to look good for the holidays.
So what do you say my blogger friends? You want to join me and Mama Nut on our quest in getting fit? I’m sure it would be okay with her if you want to borrow the elephant for your blog. Just link back to her site, and pretty please to my site as well. I will get in fit doggone it if it is the LAST thing I do.

The Lord loves us!

I’m not sure how many of you who actually read my blog are of my religion but I am going to write this anyway. I need all of you to know how I feel. If you feel inclined to know more about what I have said you can also go to for more answers.

So I was checking Facebook today and I recieved a message from a friend that touched me very much. She told me how much she appreciated our friendship. I only lived in this place about a year, but in that time we have gotten to know each other. Our children have played with each other and we (my friend and I) have had the chance to blossom a great friendship. She mentioned to me that we are “kindred spirits” as Anne of Green Gables would say. Yes, I believe we are. I just want to say, I am very grateful for my time in Provo UT. My husband wasn’t always employed well, he suffered a bad injury on his hand which put him out of work, but my LOVE for the gospel of Jesus Christ has increased tenfold. I had the chance of serving the children in my church! No wonder the Lord blessed his children! He loves them as much as he loves us. He specifically knows each one of us and loves us. This I know. Sometimes he sends friends to us in our time of need. Because He knows what we need at each moment of our lives.

I know the Lord loves me. I know the Lord loves us all. Look at the wondrous beauty of this earth. In some places, the leaves are beginning to change. (I don’t think leaves fall here in Mesquite, but hey, we’ll see.) Let’s take a look around us today and see who might need a helping hand or a friend. Really you never know what great friendship will blossom if you never try. It’s okay.

Thank you, my dear Provo friend. You know who you are. And could you please try and blog more, ’cause when you do it feels like we are on the phone talking to each other. I need that sometimes.

Hope this entry didn’t bore the heck out of any of my followers. Thank you for taking the time and getting to know this blogger for a friend. I appreciate it. Maybe someday we will meet. 🙂

SHOUT OUT to Motherboard!

Oh MY! I have been reading blogs this morning, trying to catch up since my lovely internet has been shut off since July 2nd. Not my fault, really. The landlord changed services and the services he went with, we could never actually get Internet to work. So anyway, Motherboard is just so totally wonderful! If you have NEVER read anything from her she is a MUST READ! She talks about how there is his crazy lady that lives inside her head and how sometimes if she is not lucky, she wins some days. Most of the time, Motherboard is in control though. Please read Motherboard’s blog entry about Estelle! (Estelle is the crazy lady that lives in Motherboard’s brain.) She found a picture that totally screams CRAZY LADY! Take a look at Motherboard! I guarantee you won’t want to miss this blog entry!
That’s all I have to say for now. I have others thoughts rolling around in my head, but I’ll save them for right now. Go read Motherboard! She is an excellent blogger!!!!


My current hobby is quilting. Here is the design of my quilt I am piecing together. Isn’t is beautiful? I am having so much fun working on it.


Thus far, I have reviewed books and movies. I’m open to review your product as well. Feel free to drop me an email at: oneclutteredbrain (at) gmail (dot) com.

THANKS! I look forward to working with your soon!

Book Reviews.


My first one wil be coming soon. In November 2009 I will be writing my first book review! Stay tuned, OK?!

Celebration! We are here and finally getting settled!

WOW! It feels like an eternity since I have actually blogged. I am on a computer, (It’s my father in law’s but we are borrowing it right now) But it feels good to be back. Facebook is back, although I will try hard not to get sucked in this time. HEHE! Really I will do it, I want to be a better housewife, mother, wife etc….
Anyway, I wanted to post some pics of the new townhouse. Keep in mind they were taken in the process of unpacking so there ARE many boxes! Living room is finally cleared out….Thank goodness! Next project–the bedrooms!
We went to our church last week! Good folks live in Mesquite too! People introduced themselves to me, and I cannot wait until that quarterly Enrichment meeting! I need to meet some more Nevada folk. I need friends people!!! (Any of you blogger friends live near Mesquite and want to visit let me know) I should do a blogger luncheon sometime soon!
Already the bishop has asked us to speak in church! Not this Sunday but next Sunday. That was quick. Can’t hide now. Gotta attend church now…HAHA! I don’t believe our family has ever spoken in church. It should be interesting. It is on Commandments.

Well that’s about it. I’ll post some of those townhouse pics now!!!
Have an AWESOME day folks!!!!!

About me.

First look who endorsed me? MY favorite muppet in the world! KERMIT!
WATCH and laugh!

Well, considering this is section where you find out about me I better talk about myself right? HEHE!
Without further ado–watch this little vlog about myself. If you would rather, you can just scroll down and read the written word if you’d like.;)

I am 33 and a mother of three beautiful daughters.
I LOVE bubble baths, they totally DE-stress me. Chocolate is a God-send, and I love my pajamas! (I wish I could stay in them ALL day.) Another fondness that I have is to read. I read many books and I also write. I finished my first attempt at a novel in Nov 2009. I am also thinking about attempting to write a non-fiction book.
Any-hoo, that’s me in a nutshell!
P.S. I also am very interested in reviewing products on my blog–movies, books, you name it, I’ll do it–if I think my readers will be interested. 😉
If you want to contact me, oneclutteredbrain (at) gmail (dot) com is my email.